Min/Max from Daten and criteria 08/18/2021 Minimum und Maximum aus einer Daten- und einer Kriterienspalte
Apollonius problem - circles 06/28/2021 The problem of finding all circles in a plane that are tangent to three objects is known since the ancient Greeks. QRS…
Static Analysis of frameworks 05/02/2021 Static Analysis in frameworks (bar trestles without torque) Formally simple calculation of the abutment and bar forces.
Count values in Excel - get number of last row containing a value 12/12/2020 processing of values imported into Excel should be automatic and adapt to the imported range size. This requires knowing the…
Excel and matrix formulas 12/12/2020 Use matrix fomula in Excel for aggreation without putting the values on a range. Sums and other aggregates on values using…
Options 12/07/2020 Calculating the value of an option (Intrinsic value and time value) of put and call options
PowerShell Upload and Download using Invoke-Webrequest 08/03/2020 QRS uses NextCloud WebDAV as basis for its files Automated upload and download is operated using Windows PowerShell Scripts …
A solver for 2-2-band matrices 04/25/2020 Fast solution of equation systems with band matrices of 2 upper and 2 lower secondary diagonals
Project once around the globe : 40'000 km achieved 04/24/2020 The project to commute 40'000 km by e-bike has become reality
Cubic curve through two points - matrix notation 04/19/2020 Setting up the conditions equation system in a matrix
Cubic polynomial curve through two points 04/19/2020 Pass a cubic curve through two points with two parameters to choose
Power hedging - adjusting to reduced market customer loads 03/22/2020 As a consequence to the measures ordered by the Swiss authorities, a considerable part of the industrial and professional…
Excel-VBA - Solution of a color tile puzzle 03/11/2020 Have Excel try to match all colors of facing tiles
Excel-VBA - Time input in Excel using the mouse 03/09/2020 Time entry in Android using the dial is comfortable. This article presents the Excel-Version from QRS, llc
Astronomy - ephemerides and celestial chart at a location using Excel 03/09/2020 Drawing of a star chart with the brightest stars and the major planets
Excel-VBA - Entering a date 03/09/2020 Entry of a date using a pop-up calendar in the Excel worksheet
Games - Solving a master mind game 03/08/2020 How to solve a master mind game, listing the remaining possibilities.
Games - Solving Sudoku games with Excel 03/08/2020 An Excel Workbook for solving Sudoku puzzles using formulae