Erzeugung eines Kreuzworträtsels

[Translate to English:] Eine Excel-VBA-Anwendung füllt ein vorgegebenes Gitter mit Wörtern für ein Kreuzworträtsel

Have Excel generate a crossword puzzle

Crossword puzzles

Be it for a party newspaper or a company newsletter, crossword puzzles count on a true fan community. In this article QRS presents an Excel workbook that can generate a crossword puzzle. The dictionary may be freely amended. The word bounds are designated by the "@" character.


At the start, the puzzle range is analyzed, and for every row and column a list of word fields is initialized. The intersections are subsequently listed and organized in a tree structure, starting from the top left horizontal field. The latter is filled with a word fitting in length, then all intersections are processed one by one, and the field referred to is filled with a word containing the given letters. If no word is found, the program returns to the other field in the intersection and tries a different word. The hints to the words contained are left to the editor.

Demo video

The video besides shows how a puzzle is filled (using a german dictionary).

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  • user
    uuZvIOCWXZjcnBZ 21/11/2024 At 01:01
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    gRnsduhXHG 15/11/2024 At 07:50
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    eIHFEmiYjn 09/11/2024 At 14:24