As mentioned in the article on Date entry using the mouse, the goal of the present article is the input of a time using the mouse without the use of ActiveX or Form controls. The idea of using a 12-hour dial originates from the Android calender app. Toggling between 12-hour sets requires clicking the central cell. To minimize the size of the dial range, a simplified minute entry was designed allowing for five-minute intervals in two cklicks..
Other than the output range for the dial, an hour can be specified as the last hour in the night dial. The inital 12-hour mode may also be set. No Auto-OK is provided for time input.
Demo video
The vdeo shows calling of the pop-Up dial by clicking on a cell-button, toggling of the 12-hour set, selection of an hour and quarter-hour. Input is validated by clicking on the green OK ("/") cell.
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